Sunday, 14 December 2014

Research Introduction

When analysing the demographic which The Little PictureHouse intends to target (15-35 year olds) it is fair to assume that its viewership would be fairly similar to that of E4's. When examining E4's pre-watershed broadcasting, as well as the commercials they air, a large number of them appear to be situation comedies (conventionally referred to as 'sit-coms.') These shows include;

  • How I Met Your Mother
  • The Big Bang Theory
  • 2 Broke Girls
  • Melissa & Joey
  • Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Assessing E4's data (available at ) gives us an idea of whom specifically Silver Lining Productions' advertisements would broadcast to. Considering the fact that 61% of the 8.9 million viewers that E4 procure are female, which leaves 39% of viewers being males aged 15-35. From that, one can assume that broadcasting a show that would entice both females and males would not only boost viewership but also give E4 a reputation as one of the most acclaimed channels on television.

Original programming from E4 such as The InbetweenersMisfits and Skins have been highly successful in their aims and critically acclaimed by fans and critics alike. Countless similarities are evident when comparing popular and successful shows like these, and one must capitalise on these in order to be successful amongst E4's demographic. The relatability in the characters of the shows is a key aspect of these shows: being based in England with a predominantly British cast, the characters in the shows often display characteristics and traits of ourselves or our peers.

For example, 'The Inbetweeners' is a BAFTA-winning sit-com about four teenaged social outcasts struggling to fit in and forever attempting to have sex at any given opportunity. The show's main protagonist, Will McKenzie (played by Simon Bird) begins attending a comprehensive school after private school fees became far too expensive following his father leaving his mother. He is initially presented as posh, geeky and far more mature than his peers. With the progression of the show, he meets Simon, Jay and Neil whom are in no way, shape or form gentlemen. Each of these characters has a sense of credibility to them, and I feel that is one of the main reasons they've maintained such a devoted fandom, like many other original shows produced by E4.

The Inbetweeners
Simon Cooper, Jay Cartwright, Neil Sutherland and Will McKenzie

E4's pre-watershed broadcasting reveals a large number of their broadcasting to be situation comedies (conventionally referred to as 'sit-coms.') This leaves a huge gap in the market for a new, cutting-edge crime drama/thriller to air on E4, which is the style of which my work will revolve around. Shows that I will take inspiration from are ‘Breaking Bad’ and ‘True Detective’ as well as 'Sherlock' and 'Luther'.

I feel as though a show like this would fit in perfectly with E4’s schedule and demographic. The style of the shows would serve as new ground for the channel; however I feel that it would attract a wider range of viewers while keeping its current viewers satisfied. E4 has delved into this type of broadcasting before with shows like Misfits and Skins, introducing complex storylines and intense drama, paired with a new cast of likeable characters, and have both been highly prosperous (both BAFTA-winning shows).

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